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TOMiGAi Tomadachi Koi Fish Food - 40 lbs.

We are very excited to offer Tomodachi, to the latest variant of TOMiGAi Koi Food. Despite being the line with the lowest percentage of Protein yet, quality has not been compromised as it is still fortified with Probiotics and is made with Premium White Fish Meal. This variant comes in 40 lb. Craft Bags only.




$222.00 $185.00 (Save 17%)

Pond Points:

400 Worth $4.00

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$185.00 | Earn 400 Points

TOMiGAi Tomadachi Koi Fish Food Overview

TOMiGAi Tomadachi Koi Fish Food - 40 lbs. TOMTOM40 - TOMiGAi Tomadachi Koi Fish Food - 40 lbs.
$222.00 $185.00 | 400 Points
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